Workshop on "Orientation of science, technology development orientation and forestry innovation in the period of 2022-2030"
GLX In a series of events to celebrate Vietnam Science and Technology Day, with the consent of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), the Vietnam Forestry University (VFU) organized a Workshop on " Orientation of science, technology development orientation and forestry innovation in the period of 2022-2030" on 16 May 2022.
Mr. Le Quoc Doanh - Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development spoke
about the potential for forestry industry development in the period of creativity,
science and technology innovation at the Conference
Mr. Tran Quang Bao - Deputy Director of VNFOREST spoke at the Workshop
Mr. Tran Van Chu - Rector of VNU spoke at the Workshop
Mr. Keijo Norvanto - Embassy of Finland in Vietnam shared about forest values and concepts of the Finnish
Mr. Stefan Hase Bergen - Director of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) spoke at the conference
Signing ceremony of cooperation agreement between the Vietnam Forestry University
and Cuc Phuong National Park, Kim Tin Investment Joint Stock Company,
Northeast College of Agriculture and Forestry
Participants taking souvenir photos at the Conference
Pictures of delegates attending the exhibition, displaying products at the Workshop
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